Rock Star 'About Me' Pages for Non-Writers
Length 30/60 minutes
You are a rock star. You slay dragons of all sorts for your clients and customers. Deep down, you know your value, but putting words around it for all the world to see brings up…issues. Maybe you feel like a fraud or, worse, a used car salesperson. But you don’t have to. Together we will push past them and create an ‘About Me’ page that spotlights your gifts in a voice that sounds authentically like you
Key takeaways:
Understanding the power of a person story in the branding of small businesses
Learning how the brain is wired for stories.
Writing a first draft of a new or improved AMP using a proven, easy to follow story template.
Ideal for: New business owners or those whose business have altered
Top 5 Reasons to Start A Blog (And 3 Very Good Reasons Not To)
Length 30/60 minutes
Should I start a blog? Sadly, most small business owners skip this most basic yet key step. No wonder with all the voices saying you must have one. How do you not get lost? Not any more. Rather than advice, you’ll leave this talk with a definite answer to that question as well as a real sense of what it takes to start and maintain a quality blog
Key takeaways:
A realistic sense of the time, money and choices involved in maintaining a consistent output
A true understanding of the value of a blog to small business owners
Ability to make a definite decision on blogging before you leave (possible options include: ‘Yes,’ “No,’ and ‘Maybe, but now right now)
Ideal for: Business owners with 3-5 years of experience in their current business and are ready to expand to a new stage